some cities offer checks to their residents to fight inflation

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To help residents cope with soaring prices, several French municipalities issue anti-inflation checks to their constituents. A measure that can be combined with other support systems put in place by the State.

A welcome boost in these difficult times. After the mobilization of several major retail brands to offer anti-inflation baskets to consumers, it is the turn of French cities to implement solutions to fight against rising prices. In the four corners of France, some municipalities have decided to issue a check to their constituents to help households fight against the successive increases in the prices of energy, raw materials and consumer goods.

Aid which can reach the sum of 100 euros in certain French regions, as is the case in Trith-Saint-Léger, a town located near Valenciennes in the North. A measure which has met with great success in the few districts where it has been tested, since all inhabitants are entitled to it. Unlike the social minima implemented by the government which take into account the composition of the household and income, this aid is open to all citizens of the municipalities where it is offered.

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This Monday, April 3, 2023, the inhabitants of Denain, a small town in the North, received their anti-inflation check from the city. Aid in the amount of 50 euros open to more than 20,000 residents. The latter were thus able to make purchases in all the businesses of the city such as the butcher’s shop, the bakery or even the greengrocer.

This is not the first time that the citizens of this small town have benefited from a boost put in place by the administration. Already in 2022, 6,231 checks had been distributed for a total cost of 400,000 euros, as reported by our colleagues from France Info. According to PS mayor Anne-Lise Dufour, 75% of the aid was spent on food and baby milk. This year, the device is once again welcomed with open arms by the inhabitants. “I only have 900 euros in pensions, so 50 euros allows me to buy goods to eat”, entrusts a beneficiary to our colleagues at TF1.

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A few kilometers away, another municipality in the North is all the more generous. In Trith-Saint-Léger, citizens are given an anti-inflation check in the amount of 100 euros to pay electricity and gas bills. A device that costs 240,000 euros to this city of 6,200 inhabitants, which was able to afford this unforeseen expense thanks to good management of its budget last year.​​​

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