Some proof required: The Corona rules in holiday countries at Pentecost

Austria: No corona restrictions on entry

Holidays in Austria have not been so easy for a long time. Because there are currently no corona-related restrictions on entering the neighboring country. From June 1st, the mask requirement, which previously applied in public transport, supermarkets and drugstores, will also fall over the summer months. From then on there will only be a mask requirement in nursing homes.

Switzerland: No restrictions on entry

Switzerland also no longer requires proof upon entry. All corona restrictions have also been lifted in the country. There is also no longer a requirement to wear a mask.

Italy: No more proof from June 1st

Holidaymakers in Italy are in luck, because from June 1st, Bella Italia will no longer require 3G proof upon entry. Pentecost vacationers therefore no longer need to worry about vaccination, convalescence or negative tests. Registration before entering the country has also been omitted since May 1st. Nevertheless, masks are still compulsory in Italy until June 15 on public transport and at cultural and sporting events in closed rooms.

France: Proof of vaccination, convalescence or test

When entering France, 3G still applies – from the age of twelve. Anyone who has been vaccinated must provide proof of full vaccination. Travelers are considered fully vaccinated

  • seven days after the second vaccination (Biontech, Moderna, Astrazeneca)
  • 28 days after vaccination with Johnson & Johnson
  • 7 days after a single vaccination if there is evidence of previous recovery from Covid-19.

Those who have not been vaccinated and have not recovered must present a PCR test not older than 72 hours or a rapid test not older than 48 hours. Those who have recovered need proof of an infection no longer than six months ago.

France has lifted almost all Corona rules. 3G credentials are no longer required to access restaurants, hotels and museums. Wearing a mask is no longer required.

Spain: Registration plus corona proof upon entry

Spain also requires proof of entry for holidaymakers. Travelers aged 12 and over must register at the Spain Health Travel Portal register and fill out an electronic travel form. The following evidence must be provided:

  • a negative PCR test (also LAMP or TMA) that is not older than 72 hours or a rapid antigen test that is not older than 24 hours.
  • Or proof of full vaccination plus booster. Anyone who has only been vaccinated twice must be careful: the vaccinations must not be older than 270 days.
  • Or proof of recovery no more than 180 days ago

In the country, FFP-2 masks must still be worn on public transport, as well as in pharmacies and healthcare facilities.

Portugal: Negative tests for everyone without a Covid certificate

Portugal also still requires proof. Anyone who does not have a Covid certificate from the EU must present a negative PCR test that is not older than 72 hours or a rapid test that is not older than 24 hours upon entry. This applies to children aged 12 and over. Anyone who presents an EU Covid certificate is exempt from the test obligation.

  • Danger, Upon entry, everyone’s body temperature is measured. If it is higher than 38 degrees, further measures must be taken.

In the country, masks are only compulsory in public transport and medical facilities such as hospitals and doctor’s offices.

There are currently no restrictions on entering Madeira. For access to restaurants, bars and cultural institutions, 3G applies there for people aged five and over.

  • Danger, Rapid tests in Madeira are chargeable and valid for one week.

When entering the Azores, the same rules apply as for mainland Portugal.

Greece: No proof on entry

In Greece, all rules for entry have fallen. Travelers are not required to pre-register or present a test, vaccination or recovery certificate. In the country, however, there is still a mask requirement for public transport, supermarkets and public buildings. 2G or 3G credentials are no longer required to access restaurants or museums.

Croatia: Entry without restrictions

If you travel to Croatia, you can take it easy. Because the country on the Adriatic Sea no longer requires any proof from travelers from Germany or other EU member states. You don’t need mouth and nose protection either – only in medical facilities.

USA: Entry only for vaccinated persons

The United States requires travelers 18 and older to have full vaccinations. People are considered fully vaccinated two weeks after the last required injection – either after the second dose with, for example, Biontech, Moderna or Astrazeneca, or after the first with the Johnson & Johnson vaccine, which only requires one dose. The validity of the full vaccination is not limited in time. A booster is not required.

  • danger, even recovered people need a full vaccination with two doses or one dose depending on the vaccine, otherwise they are not considered to be fully vaccinated. Despite full vaccination, travelers from the age of two must present the airline with a negative PCR or rapid test that is not older than one day.

Return to Germany after vacation

On June 1st, the 3G rule ends when entering Germany. There is then no longer any need for proof. Anyone who travels to Germany from vacation no longer needs to worry about this.

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