some students are returning to school on August 20, is your child one of them?

While summer will soon be in full swing, some students are already expected back at school. But this early return to school is already giving rise to numerous debates. Is your child affected by this measure?

Every summer, students enjoy two months of vacation, an essential time to rest and have fun with the family. However, this long break is also synonymous with a loss of level for some, particularly those who encounter academic difficulties. Faced with this observation, an early start to school was programmed for the year 2024-2025, starting August 20.

Indeed, the debate on the loss of level during the summer holidays is omnipresent in the educational environment. In response, the government took the decision to bring forward the start of the school year for certain students. Announced by Emmanuel Macron and recently confirmed by Prime Minister Gabriel Attal on BFM TV, this initiative targets certain students who will benefit a week, or even two, of refresher training before the general start of the school year.

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Techniques to maintain the level during the summer

During the summer holidays, several resources are available to parents to help their children maintain their academic level. Holiday notebooksdesigned specifically for each level and subject, are popular tools. They make it possible to consolidate the achievements of the past year. In addition, more fun activities, such as reading, online exercises, or museum visitsencourage children to stay connected to the world of learning while having fun.

Beyond vacation notebooks, many other activities can stimulate young people’s intellect during the summer. Summer campsfor example, offer cultural and sports programs which not only entertain but also educate. These enriching experiences allow children to discover new horizons, while strengthening their social and academic skills in a less formal setting.

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An early return to school for some students

The decision to return early was not taken lightly. It responds to an alarming observation of a drop in level among many students during the holidays. The students most affected by this regression are those who will benefit from this advanced return to school. The goal is to offer them a structured framework and intensive sessions refresher courses, thus facilitating their transition to the new school year. On the other hand, the students will not be not obliged to go to school to follow these courses.

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However, this measure has its detractors! Critics point the fingere risk of stigmatization of students in difficulty and cast doubt on the effectiveness of such a short refresher course. According to Guislaine David, secretary of the national unitary union of teachers: “two weeks is not enough to fill significant gaps. Others, however, defend this approach, arguing that it could prevent further deterioration academic level before the official start of the school year.

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