Sonic 2: The Movie Scores the Biggest Start for a Game-to-Movie Adaptation

Yes sonic is struggling to recover his health in the world of video games, he is obviously the new darling of the box office. The first movie sonic was one of the last big blockbusters to come out before the global pandemic, and it had managed to get a nice score that had bolstered Paramount to produce the second opus in record time. A paying strategy, since the public’s appetite for the license is there two years later, with a sequel that is off to a good, even very good start.

Sonic hits theaters

The first figures for the movie Sonic 2 are slowly starting to arrive, and the Comicbook site then reports $71 million made on US soil for the film (we would then be at 141 million dollars worldwide), which is an excellent result which comes to exceed that of the first film, which had already garnered the handsome sum of 58 million dollars on its first weekend of exploitation.

Enough to allow him to take the lead in the American box office for the past week, and even to obtain the best start for a film that adapts a video game (a record previously held by the first film sonic).

Funny number, it is also the film with Jim Carrey which had the best start, ahead of Almighty Bruce and its $68 million.

What comfort Paramount in its desire to produce a spin-off series with Knuckles and quickly start the third episode.

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