Sony unveils new PlayStation Productions intro for Uncharted movie release

Today is a great day for joint productions between Sony Pictures and Sony Interactive Entertainmentat least for France, since the film Uncharted finally arrives on the big screen with us after a more than chaotic development. For the occasion, the film carried by Tom Holland is entitled to a brand new introduction that will unify PlayStation productions on the small and big screen, as Marvel or even Star Wars can do.

The unified PlayStation universe with a new intro

This new introduction, a little more original than the previous one (which was very Marvel precisely), therefore introduces us to the greatest characters of the PlayStation brand, from Nathan Drake to Aloy, via the duo Kratos – Atreus and even the little Sackboy .

We must therefore expect to see this introduction again on future productions derived from PlayStation games, grouped under the brand PlayStation Productionslike the movie Ghost of Tsushima, which is in preparation. Don’t see any ads here, nothing indicates that movies Horizon or god of war are not teased here, even if we suspect that Sony intends to rush even further into this breach full of adaptations.

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