soon the end of good deals?

New record. The outstanding Livret A reached 417.6 billion euros at the end of January 2024. The yield on this regulated product did not, however, benefit from the rise in short-term interest rates last year – its yield (3 %) is unchanged since 1er February 2023.

But savers have good reasons to invest in this product guaranteed by the State, liquid and exempt from income tax and social security contributions: investments accessible to all and without risk, it is the most profitable over a year , alongside the Sustainable and Solidarity Development Booklet (LDDS), whose remuneration is similar.

The next performance review will take place on 1er February 2025, the Minister of the Economy, Bruno Le Maire, having frozen the rate until then. “The yield on Livret A could then fall to around 2.50% given the decline in inflation”, indicates Philippe Crevel, director of the Circle of Savings.

In graphics | Article reserved for our subscribers Booklet A: a year 2023 rich in fundraising… and controversies

Savers would therefore be wrong to deprive themselves of the current remuneration of the Livret A and the LDDS, even if frozen. Especially since good news is on the horizon. “The real yield of Livret A, that is to say after inflation, should become positive again in the coming months, because the price increase will gradually slow down to reach 2.5% on average over the year”, underlines Mr. Crevel.

Please note that savers with modest incomes, eligible for the Livret d’épargne populaire (LEP), have an interest in funding it as a priority since its remuneration, 5%, is much higher than that of the Livret A. It is also not more taxable and can now collect up to 10,000 euros, compared to 22,950 euros for the Livret A and 12,000 euros for the LDDS.

Promotional rates

Beyond the regulated savings ceilings, we can turn to the savings accounts offered by banks and by certain online savings players. Households with a large sum to invest, for example from a donation or the sale of real estate, have every interest in shopping around the market to find the best offer, generally reserved for new customers opening an account.

It is difficult to compare the offers in absolute terms, as establishments play on the promotional rate (from 3% to 5.5% gross), the maximum amount that can benefit from it (from 20,000 euros to 150,000 euros), the duration to which it applies (from three months to twelve months), and the standard rate thereafter (from 0.75% to 3%).

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The best offers currently yield 5.50% at Fortuneo (100,000 euros over four months) and 5% at Monabanq (three months, 150,000 euros). “The only constraint to benefit from it is to leave the booklet open until December 31, there is no obligation to leave the amount in the account beyond the boosted rate period”, explains Grégory Guermonprez, the director of Fortuneo.

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