Soon vertical tabs in Firefox?

Misitia Ravaloson

February 25, 2022 at 08:20


Firefox © © Mozilla

© Mozilla

After Microsoft Edge
we may soon see vertical tabs on Mozilla Firefox

Mozilla Firefox users have voted for vertical tabs on the Mozilla Crowdicity platform. It took a while, but it looks like Mozilla developers are finally considering this idea.

What do vertical tabs look like?

It should be remembered that vertical tabs have already been available on Microsoft Edge for a year now. The principle is simple: the tab bar that normally appears at the top of the window is hidden. It is replaced by a sidebar with icons for each tab.

This is a feature that seems to be of interest to Firefox users, as it would provide a cleaner and more uncluttered visual on the browser interface, and also allow for a better experience.

The developers have finally responded to user queries on the Mozilla Crowdicity platform. A community manager at Mozilla explained that since the request emerged as a hot idea in the community, it has been reviewed by the developers, who are therefore investigating the possibility of adding support for vertical tabs to the browser today. today.

What is the difference with Firefox extensions?

It is already possible to manage its tabs from a sidebar in Firefox. There are various Firefox extensions that allow this, the best known of which is Tree Style Tab. We can also mention Tab Center Reborn and Vertigo Tabs.

The difference is that none of these extensions can hide the standard tab bar at the top of the screen. Indeed, Firefox has implemented APIs that allow the user to customize its interface, but they face certain restrictions making it impossible to modify parts of the graphical interface.

To remove the standard bar, Firefox users must rely on custom CSS code that allows the browser theme to be changed. So, yes, with CSS code and extensions, one can well enjoy the benefits of vertical tabs. But it would still be better to simply have the option… We can already rejoice that it is explored by the developers of Mozilla.

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Firefox is still in the race and it is ultimately the oldest browser that has been able to reinvent itself over the decades thanks to an ever-devoted community.

Firefox is still in the race and it is ultimately the oldest browser that has been able to reinvent itself over the decades thanks to an ever-devoted community.


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