Sophie Binet creates the surprise and becomes the first woman elected at the head of the CGT

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This 53rd congress defied all predictions. The post, however, promised to Marie Buisson or Céline Verzeletti finally escaped them.

Thunderbolt for the last day of the 53rd congress of the CGT. At the end of a tumultuous week, Sophie Binet, the head of the executives’ union (Ugict-CGT), was elected secretary general of the organization, thus becoming the first woman to hold this position in 128 years of existence. The fruit of a long night of discussion by the National Confederal Committee (CCN), an assembly made up of numbers one or representatives of local federations and unions, and responsible for electing, among other things, the leader of the Montreuil plant.

For more than eight hours in the night from Thursday to Friday, the shuttles have indeed not ceased between the two main guiding organizations of the CGT, the CNN therefore and the confederal executive committee (CEC), which proposes the candidates. A first proposal to elect Marie Buisson, the favorite candidate of the previous management, was thus rejected by two votes around six in the morning.

A surprising executive status for the image of the CGT

Her main competitor, Céline Verzeletti, carried by a more radical current within the union, also tried her luck, without success. The supporters of Marie Buisson categorically refusing to see her take the post. Faced with this impasse, the authorities have therefore decided to turn to Sophie Binet despite her status as an executive not very compatible at first sight with the image of the CGT.

Although having been able to embody a rallying profile within the union, it will take a lot of diplomacy and determination for Sophie Binet to succeed in imposing herself against the powerful federations. But before, the new number one is expected on the pension reform. The intersyndicale must be received at the beginning of the week by the Prime Minister and all the other members wonder what will be the new position of the CGT on the subject.

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