Sophie (“Don’t forget the words”): the Maestro reveals why her children are “fed up” with her: Femme Actuelle Le MAG

Sophie had only one goal: to win the silver microphone. For more than 15 years, Nagui has been at the head of Do not forget the lyrics. In the famous France 2 karaoke, participants follow each other hoping to move to the next level and thus win a nice sum of money. Thursday October 19, 2023, it was Sophie who faced Jean-Marcel. The candidate proved herself and won the famous, coveted silver microphone. At the time of the last test, the final, Sophie opted for the song No Boogie Woogie by Eddie Mitchell. Quite a complicated piece but the new Maestro ultimately won the sum of 20,000 euros. Delighted with her feat, she made some unexpected confidences. “The first time I came, my children told me: ‘Mom, you go, you win, you take 20,000 euros and you go back’”she remembered before continuing: because in fact, they are fed up with my revisions. They can’t take it anymore. A challenge met brilliantly.

Sophie: the new Maestro had already participated in the game

The new Maestro is a familiar face to those familiar with Nagui’s game. “Have you ever been on the show? When was that?”asked the host to his candidate to Do not forget the lyrics. “Absolutely. I visited in March 2021”replied Sophie before providing details: “I went in the chair. I was able to sing the same song.” The piece was Future from Louane. “Ah yes, there was no future afterwards”, Nagui had fun before discussing the career of his candidate. “A maths teacher who loves music, it’s not surprising since music is very mathematical”, declared Mélanie Page’s husband. As the conversation veered onto another subject, Nagui wanted to return to the reason for Sophie’s presence. “You win 20,000 euros, what is your dream?”, he asked her. To which the main person concerned immediately stated: “I want to treat myself to a well-being weekend… to get away from the house, the children and… my partner”. A response which inspired Nagui since, accustomed to naughty allusions, the host replied: “it’s weird, usually it’s the opposite… anyway”. A sequence which amused the public and, a few minutes later, the new Maestro left with 20,000 euros.

Read also :

“Don’t forget the words”: Nagui very amused by the improbable lucky charm of a candidate

VIDEO – Amused by a blunder, Nagui threatens his teams with dismissal for serious misconduct in “Don’t forget the lyrics”

Video – When Nagui has fun teasing a candidate about his relationship after mentioning his “lover”

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