Sophie Marceau and Zazie have a famous ex in common! Revelations on these love stories…

Ah the stars and their loves… If there is one personality that the French have fallen in love with over time, it is undoubtedly the actress Sophie Marceau. The star, who we saw at the 75th Cannes Film Festival, had several men in her life and her romances have always fascinated her fans. But did they know that she shared the same companion as singer Zazie?

It’s in the pages ofParis here that we can (re) discover this love story. Actor and singer Pierre Cosso (60), living in Polynesia since 2007, gave an interview to the magazine as he released a new album entitled For a better world. If he continues to perform on the boards, he has mainly devoted himself to music, he who performs with the group Pierre Cosso & Co, in the company of seven musicians. The opportunity to take stock of his life and his loves!

This father of three children (Lino, 17, Noa, 10 and Lucas, 21) has detailed all the famous women who have made his heart beat … “At the time of The Boom 2 [réalisé par Claude Pinoteau et sorti en 1982, ndlr]Sophie Marceau was 16, I was 20. It lasted two years“, he thus told. A brief romance rather unknown and of which we do not know why it ended … The star ofI Love America (Amazon Prime Video) was clearly known for other heart stories such as the one with Christophe Lambert.

Pierre Cosso also mentioned the other women in his life… like the singer Zazie! And with the former coach of The Voice, he has only very good memories. “It was extraordinary. We were first friends for four years, then in 1989, I did the Dakar, and we went out together, for two years“, he remembered. Thereafter, the singer lived two long stories: with the musician Fabien Cahen (father of his daughter Lola) then with the musician Philippe Paradis.

The full interview with Pierre Cosso, who is now in a relationship with Rautea, can be read in the magazine Paris hereon newsstands Friday, May 25, 2022.

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