SOS Children’s Villages recognizes “a case of sexual assault” in Liberia

The international NGO SOS Children’s Villages recognized on Friday “a case of sexual assault” involving sound “management team” in Liberia after its country director was blamed in the local press for the alleged rape of a 16-year-old girl. “SOS Children’s Villages confirms that a case of sexual assault has taken place in its program in Liberia involving its management team”writes the organization, which regrets “deeply for not having been able to protect the victim”.

The NGO, which helps orphans and children in need, claims to have immediately notified the police in November 2021 as soon as it discovered the facts. At that time the victim “had found his biological family” after being welcomed by the association, the statement said. Without giving the identity of the alleged aggressor, the text indicates that this one “was suspended in March 2022 and the regional office of SOS Children’s Villages took control of operations” of the association in Liberia.

“We are determined to hold those responsible for this sexual assault to account, regardless of their position.” hierarchy, the statement added, adding that three other employees were suspended for their alleged involvement. In 2021, SOS Children’s Villages, whose international headquarters are in Vienna, announced that it was investigating cases of violence, in particular sexual violence, and fraud committed from the 1990s in around twenty of its structures in Africa and Asia.

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