South Korea offers aid plan to Pyongyang in exchange for denuclearization

South Korean President Yoon Seok-youl announced on Monday August 15 that he would offer a major aid package to Pyongyang in exchange for denuclearization, a type of offer long disdained by North Korea.

Believing that denuclearization is “essential” for a lasting peace in the peninsula, Mr. Yoon detailed his offer which would include food, energy, but also aid for the modernization of infrastructure such as ports, airports and hospitals.

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This plan “Will dramatically improve North Korea’s economy and the standard of living of its people in stages, if the North ceases to develop its nuclear program and embarks on a genuine and substantial process of denuclearization”Mr. Yoon said during a speech marking the anniversary of the end of Japanese colonial rule in 1945.

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Last week, Pyongyang threatened to“eradicate” South Korean officials, accusing Seoul of being behind the country’s Covid-19 outbreak. In July, North Korean leader Kim Jong-un said to himself “ready to mobilize” its nuclear capabilities in the event of war with the United States or South Korea.

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For specialists in the region, the chances of seeing Pyongyang accept this offer, already mentioned during Mr. Yoon’s inauguration speech, are very slim, since the North, which invests a large part of its GDP in its program of arms, has long made it clear that it would not enter into such an agreement.

North Korea has conducted a record series of weapons tests this year, including the firing of a full-range intercontinental ballistic missile, the first since 2017. Washington and Seoul have repeatedly warned in recent months that the North was preparing to carry out a new nuclear test, which would be the seventh in its history.

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The World with AFP

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