New skirmishes
North Korean soldiers cross border – South shoots
11.06.2024, 07:05
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Recently, there have been increasing reports of minor clashes between North and South Korea. The general staff in Seoul announces that North Korean soldiers have violated the border – it was probably an accident. After warning shots, Kim’s fighters retreat.
There has been another military incident on the heavily fortified border between South and North Korea. In the incident, which had already occurred on Sunday, South Korean border guards fired warning shots. The reason: several North Korean soldiers had briefly crossed the military demarcation line in the buffer zone between the two countries, the General Staff in Seoul announced.
The soldiers from North Korea immediately withdrew across the border without any “unusual activities” being detected, it was said. South Korea’s military suspected that the North Korean soldiers had not intentionally crossed the line during initially unidentified work within the demilitarized zone. The top command emphasized, however, that the movements of the opposing side were being closely monitored.
According to the national news agency Yonhap, citing the General Staff, around 20 North Korean soldiers had crossed the border line. Pyongyang did not provide any further details about the circumstances of the border crossing.
There are repeated incidents at the sea and land borders, and both countries have been at war under international law since the Korean War. Recently, tensions between the two sides have increased significantly again.
In recent weeks, North Korea has sent more than a thousand balloons filled with garbage across the border. The shipments included cigarette butts and toilet paper. Pyongyang said this was its response to balloons sent by South Korean activists that contained leaflets directed against North Korea’s ruler Kim Jong Un and money for the population in the impoverished north.