southern Ukraine hit hard by Russia, north liberated but devastated

  • In the surroundings of kyiv evacuated by the Russian army, the macabre discoveries multiply. According to the Prosecutor General of Ukraine, the lifeless bodies of 410 civilians were found in these territories. His office also reported on Monday evening the bodies of five men with their hands tied found in the basement of a children’s sanatorium in Butcha. The situation at Borodyanka (60 km west of kyiv) would be even worse according to her “in terms of victims” than that of Boucha. In the village of Motyzhynwere found Monday the bodies of the mayor of the village, that of her husband, their son and two other men.
  • Ukrainian President, Volodymyr Zelenskywent on Monday 4 April to the town of Boutcha, where he denounced “war crimes” will be “recognized as genocide”. He must speak today before the security Council of ONU.
  • Russia continues to reject “categorically” all charges. At a press conference at the UN, Russian Ambassador Vasily Nebenzia accused Ukraine of ” set the scene “ the bodies of civilians who died in Boutcha, describing the images and videos of the latter as “coarse fakes”without, however, proving it.
  • The besieged port city of Mariupolin the southeast of the country, is destroyed “90%” and “40% of its infrastructure” are “unrecoverable”, the mayor of the city announced on Monday. Ten civilians were killed and at least 46 others were injured in shelling on Mykolaivalso in southern Ukraine, according to its mayor.
  • The United States, Canada and the European Union, after strongly condemning these abuses, have announced that they want strengthen sanctions against Russia. The EU is discussing “emergency” new sanctions against Moscow, demanded in particular by France and Germany. The United States will try to obtain the “suspension” of Russia from the UN Human Rights Council, the American ambassador to the United Nations also announced on Monday. The German state will take the temporary control of the German subsidiary of the Russian giant Gazprombecause of his “significance for supply” in energy from Germany.
  • Lithuania announced on Monday the dismissal of the Russian ambassador, following the “atrocities committed” by Russian soldiers in Ukraine. France and Germany plan the expulsion of dozens of Russian diplomats of their countries.
  • On the ground, the situation is “tense” in all the part of the Donbass under Ukrainian control, in the eastwhere authorities expect a “worsening of the situation”. “The enemy is bombing everywhere”said the governor of the military administration of the Donetsk region, urging the civilian population to ” leave the premises “. White House national security adviser Jake Sullivan said this new phase of the Russian military offensive “could last for months or more”.
  • More than 4.2 million Ukrainians fled their country since the invasion ordered by Russian President Vladimir Putin on February 24, according to figures from the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR). The UNHCR registered exactly 4,215,047 Ukrainian refugees on Monday. These are 38,646 more than during the previous score on Sunday. Europe has not seen such a flood of refugees since the Second World War.

Read all our articles, analyzes and reports on the war in Ukraine

Factual. Abuses in Boutcha, Ukraine: many countries accuse Russia, which disputes

Decryption. Europeans ready for Russian coal embargo

Report. In Tbilisi, the Russian exiles do not envisage “can be returned”

Story. Tour de France of initiatives in favor of Ukrainian refugees

Decryption. Boutcha massacre: on social networks, Moscow’s disinformation operation

Maintenance. “In Russia, crises are not the exception, they are the rule”

Video. In Boutcha, the streets transformed into an open-air cemetery

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