SpaceX: Elon Musk sued for sexual harassment by former employees

Samir Rahmoune

June 13, 2024 at 7:07 p.m.


Elon Musk raises a glass © Alessia Pierdomenico /

Elon Musk raises a glass © Alessia Pierdomenico /

Several former employees of the aeronautical company SpaceX have just filed a complaint against its boss, Elon Musk. They accuse the latter in particular of sexual harassment.

Elon Musk is having a complicated few weeks. On the Tesla side, the American billionaire had to battle with shareholders to obtain his pharaonic remuneration of 56 billion dollars, and must also face shareholders who are leaving the ship. But that is not his only concern, since the businessman of South African origin must now respond to new complaints for sexual harassment.

Eight former engineers file a complaint

Elon Musk may have a tendency to create toxic work environments. This is what Tesla employees already said at one time, and what former SpaceX employees are repeating today. Eight former engineers who previously worked in the company have just filed a complaint against their ex-boss, according to information that came to us from Bloomberg.

Musk knowingly and deliberately created a hostile and unwelcome work environment through his behavior of bringing vile sexual photographs, memes, and comments into the workplace that demean women and/or the LGBTQ+ community » he is affirmed.

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© Shutterstock

Fired for complaining?

According to the same complainants, the problem was all the more profound as this behavior would over time have encouraged other colleagues to reproduce the same conduct, creating “ a hostile and very uncomfortable working environment. »

They also accuse Elon Musk of having fired them for trying to change things within the company. In 2022, they produced a document in which they relate the different behaviors that they considered problematic. Problem, instead of deciding on an audit of SpaceX’s working environment, Elon Musk would have chosen brutality. To a human resources manager who mentioned this question to him, he replied “ I don’t care – fire them » Will the legal action push Elon Musk’s teams towards a compromise?

Source : The Verge

Samir Rahmoune

Tech journalist, specializing in the impact of high technologies on international relations. I am passionate about all the new developments in the field (Blockchain, AI, quantum...), the...

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Tech journalist, specializing in the impact of high technologies on international relations. I am passionate about all the new developments in the field (Blockchain, AI, quantum...), energy issues, and astronomy. Often one foot in Asia, and always ready to put on the gloves.

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