Spanish woman heavily sentenced for falsely accusing her ex-husband of raping their daughter


A Spanish woman was sentenced to five years in prison for having wrongly accused her ex-husband of sexual assault and rape on their daughter, according to the judgment consulted on Wednesday May 18 by AFP.

This would be the heaviest sentence for acts of this kind in the country, according to the daily El Mundo. While she was in the middle of divorce proceedings, this woman filed eight complaints against her ex-spouse for touching her daughter and one for rape. She also submitted her daughter, now aged nine, to ten medical or psychological examinations without them being able to demonstrate the proven existence of such offences.

Compensation of 40,000 euros

Sentenced in particular for slanderous denunciation and attack on moral integrity, she will also have to pay compensation of 40,000 euros to her daughter on the one hand and to her father on the other hand, for the damage caused by these unfounded accusations, according to the judgment rendered Monday by a court in Granada, Andalusia (south). The court also withdrew parental authority for ten years from this mother, considering that she represented “a threat to developmentof her child. The gynecological and psychological examinations to which the child had to submit affected his “psychological stability and (his) school results“, he still believes.

According to the court, the mother hoped, through her accusations, “get sole custodyof the girl born in 2012. The accused is described in the judgment as a person with predispositions “to lie», of a «heightened cynicism» and a «wickedness with obsessive overtones“. The problems between this woman and her ex-husband began in 2018 when he requested joint custody of their daughter, a year after their separation.

SEE ALSO – Justice: in court, Johnny Depp rejects the “odious” accusations of his ex-wife


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