“Special operation accomplished”: Medvedev: Russia is being taken seriously again

“Special Operation Accomplished”
Medvedev: Russia is being taken seriously again

Russia’s ex-president has once again intervened in the Ukraine war with sharp words. According to Medvedev, the attack on the neighboring country has already served its purpose: As was the case with the Soviet Union, his country is now being counted on again.

Former Russian President and current Deputy Head of the Russian Security Council, Dmitry Medvedev, sees his country’s international importance strengthened by the Ukraine war. The “military special operation” in Ukraine has already fulfilled a task, Medvedev wrote on Telegram. “We are now seriously reckoning with Russia. As with the Soviet Union. And in some respects even more seriously, judging by the sanctions package.”

This was different some time ago, Medvedev continued. Although Russia was a participant in the G8 meetings of the world’s largest industrialized countries, it was not invited to certain meetings of the other seven participants “when economic and defense policy issues of Western countries were discussed”.

Western countries in particular have been fiercely condemning Russia’s attack on Ukraine for weeks, and numerous sanctions have been imposed on Moscow. Some G20 leaders have questioned their participation in a November summit should Russian President Vladimir Putin attend in person.

Since the beginning of the war, Medvedev has regularly attacked the West with harsh language. Most recently, he had warned of a nuclear war in connection with the investigations by the International Criminal Court into possible war crimes in Ukraine. “The idea of ​​punishing a country that has the largest nuclear arsenal is absurd in and of itself,” Medvedev wrote on Telegram. This may create “a threat to the existence of mankind”.

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