Speech by the US President – “God save the Queen” – Biden poses a mystery with the final sentence – News

Speech by the US President – “God save the Queen” – Biden is puzzled with the final sentence – News – SRF

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US President Joe Biden has given up riddles with the last sentence of a long speech. The 80-year-old addressed the audience in a conversational tone towards the end of the lecture on Friday in West Hartford, Connecticut, and regretted not being able to stay longer. Then he added: «Are you okay? God save the queen man », looked at the crowd and left the stage. “God save the Queen” has for the past few decades been associated with Elizabeth II, the British Queen who died in September.

According to US media reports, the White House presented the incident in such a way that Biden made a comment about a specific person in the audience. In fact, before the final movement, he seemed to focus on part of the auditorium. He was ridiculed in conservative media and social networks: Some used the video as evidence that Biden was too old to govern. At 80, he is the oldest president in US history.

Biden’s attack surface

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Joe Biden wants to run for a second term as the Democratic nominee in November next year. His age has long been the subject of debate, including in his own party. Republican competitors regularly use blunders and minor missteps to question his mental and physical fitness. Biden has tended to make slips of the tongue before. Other US Presidents also got bogged down on stage, confused people and made somewhat confusing statements.

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