SpeedDons will return in March 2023 for its third edition

After two successful editions, SpeeDons, the charity speedrun marathon, returns for a third consecutive year. Still organized by MisterMV, the event retains its formula and the funds raised will be for the benefit of the Médecins du Monde association. This year again, SpeedDons invites us to meet at the Palais des Congrès in Paris from March 9 to 12, 2023. That is 4 days, compared to 3 in previous years, to admire the performances of speedrunners from all walks of life.

The event, which can be described as a French-style AGDQ, has found its place in the charitable landscape, and above all, popularized speedrunning with an uninitiated public.

While the first edition had generated more than €614,000 in donations, nearly €802,000 were raised during SpeeDons 2. A second edition which, let’s remember, was also open to the public.

For those who would like to participate in the 2023 edition, especially on the speedrunner side, applications should open soon. However, we will have to wait a few days for more information.

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