Spelling quiz: are these words written with or without umlaut? Test yourself ! : Current Woman Le MAG

Umlauts, these small diacritical marks which take the form of two dots placed on a vowel, can sometimes cause us some problems. Judaica, Poseidon, canoeist, Caribbean, heroism, cramped… are you sure these words are well written? They may not be as familiar to you as you think! In the French language, there are many words where the presence or absence of the diaeresis can create real confusion. However, umlauts are not there simply to complicate the lives of schoolchildren or writing enthusiasts in search of spelling perfection. They have a reason for being, a subtlety which gives the words a particular nuance. Their absence or presence can even change the meaning of the word! Indeed, umlauts are logical. For example, they are generally used when two vowels follow each other in a word and must be pronounced separately. The diaeresis is then placed on the second vowel, as in Christmas. Another rule may help you: the diaeresis is also used to indicate pronunciation deviations compared to the usual rules. For example, in the word “naïve”, the diaeresis on the “i” signals that the vowel must be pronounced.

>>> Spelling QUIZ: with or without umlaut? Test yourself !

Our challenge on umlauts

Current wife In turn, you can test your spelling knowledge with this quiz of ten multiple-choice questions. Bonsai or Bonsai? Acute, acute or acute? These questions are not just for word lovers, but for anyone who thinks they know spelling like the back of their hand. You don’t need to be an expert in linguistics to take on this challenge. This is an opportunity to learn a little more about the particularities of Molière’s language. Put on your knight’s helmet of the French language and prepare to defend your spelling knowledge. Take our quiz and find out if you are the master of umlauts or if it is time to review some subtle rules of our beautiful language.

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