Spider-Man: Marvel Character’s Return To No Way Home Has Been Planned For Years

Spider-Man: No Way Home unites numerous characters from the Marvel Universe in an epic adventure. One of the actors had known his character would be returning to the MCU for quite a while. Who is it ? Warning, spoilers.

Warning, spoilers. You are advised to have seen Spider-Man: No Way Home before continuing to read this article.

Currently in theaters, Spider-Man: No Way Home is a hit at the box office. The long-awaited third installment of the adventures of Spider-Man played by Tom Holland has touched the nostalgic fiber of its audience by bringing the former villains of previous iterations of the superhero to the movies.

We thus find the Green Goblin (Willem Dafoe), Doctor Octopus (Alfred Molina), The Lizard (Rhys Ifans), Electro (Jamie Foxx) and The Sand Man (Thomas Haden Church). But that’s not all, since the two famous former Spider-Man interpreters, Tobey Maguire and Andrew Garfield, are also in the game. Something to delight the fans, who have had crazy reactions from the first screenings in the cinema.

But another comeback has pleased fans of the Marvel series produced by Netflix! In the first part of Spider-Man: No Way Home, Peter Parker enlists a reputable lawyer to help him prove to public opinion and to the Department of Damage Control that he did not kill Quentin Beck, aka Mysterio (Jake Gyllenhaal), who revealed his identity to the world before passing away.

And this lawyer is none other than Matt Murdock alias the demon of Hell’s Kitchen, hero of his own series Marvel’s Daredevil. A few days before the release of Spider-Man: No Way Home, Kevin Feige, the boss of Marvel Studios, had confirmed that Daredevil was now confirmed in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Which explains his presence in the film.

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Fans had long hoped for the return of Matt Murdock, as had his interpreter Charlie Cox, always ready to don the Daredevil costume and eager to be able to rub shoulders with Spider-Man, he who repeated in the various editions of the Comic-Con that he loves this kind of comic book adventures so much.

Charlie Cox had long known he was joining the MCU

And you should know that Charlie Cox knows very well how to keep a secret, unlike Tom Holland in his debut in the MCU. The actor had long known that he would join Spider-Man as Daredevil. This is what revealed his former playmate, Jessica Henwick, who played Colleen Wing in Marvel’s Iron Fist and in The Defenders, the series that brought together Marvel superheroes on Netflix.

On sale for Matrix: Resurrections, the actress told the Hollywood Reporter that Charlie Cox knew he was going to make the MCU a long time ago: “Charlie [Cox] was aware of this opportunity years ago. He already knew it was going to happen “.

Sarah Shatz / Netflix

And that would go back at least a little before the casting process of Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings began, that is to say around the summer of 2019. Indeed, Jessica Henwick had been approached for a role in the film at the time but declined, because she had little hope that she could reprise her role as Colleen Wing in the MCU in the future given that Charlie Cox had been recalled:

“If I did [Shang-Chi], I was actually putting Colleen in the closet. It was not the main reason, but it was part of the discussions. I love Colleen. She changed my life. Of course, if I had the opportunity to play him again, I would, but I don’t know how feasible it is. I think I would have heard of it before if there had been any plans with Colleen. “

All may not be lost for Jessica Henwick since another character from the Marvel series on Netflix has made a comeback: Wilson Fisk aka The Kingpin, played by Vincent D’Onofrio in the Hawkeye series on Disney +. The MCU may welcome other characters from the Marvel series to Netflix in the future!

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