Splatoon 3 maintains its release for this summer, but it will have to wait until September 9

The advance of the release date of Xenoblade Chronicles 3 from September to July has made many JRPG fans happy, but this unusual announcement has also created some doubts among those who are waiting. Splatoon 3. Since the latter has always specified that it will be released in the summer of 2022, it was hard to imagine nintendo grill two of its biggest cartridges at the same time, with a few days or weeks between the two releases. Several people then theorized that the releases of the two games had been reversed, and the announcement around Splatoon 3 today can effectively sow doubt.

A gift for Nintendo Switch Online subscribers in the meantime

It is via a new gameplay video of more than three minutes presenting the Territory War mode in 4 vs 4 (we discover here a new arena) that Splatoon 3 announces its release date.

As promised, Nintendo’s game will be released this summer, but unfortunately the very end of the season, since Splatoon 3 is expected on September 9 on Nintendo Switch. We discover the official cover of the game in stride.

Other size information: As of today, members who subscribe to the Nintendo Switch Online Add-on Pack can enjoy the Octo expansion for free for Splatoon 2.

What allow us to wait a little before the release of Splatoon 3 on September 9, 2022. Pre-orders for the title are expected to start soon.

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