Spotify: artists will be able to put their hand in their pocket to appear in the recommendations

Maxence Glineur

September 14, 2023 at 6:15 p.m.


Spotify © © felipepelaquim / Unsplash

© felipepelaquim / Unsplash

The Swedish giant, at the top of the charts in the music streaming sector, wants to give a good reason to invest in its service. Even if it means cluttering up the home screen of your mobile application a little more.

Spotify is undoubtedly a success story. The company continues to attract new subscribers to the point of becoming an almost obligatory step for players in the music industry. However, profitability is still a long way off, and this is a major problem that the Swedish firm has been tackling for several years. So, after an increase in its subscription prices and the promise of a highly anticipated hi-fi offer, but more expensive than the competition, it is from the artists side that it will seek a little more money.

A very, perhaps even too much, visible addition

Spotify’s home screen is the most coveted space on the service because it’s where users are as soon as they open the app. We are immediately encouraged to listen to a podcast, an album, a playlist, or anything that seems relevant in the eyes of the Swedish company’s famous algorithms. But, until now, they were some of the only ones to have any real influence on recommendations, until Showcase came on the scene.

Announced during Spotify’s last mass, Stream On, the tool allows artists to monetize a place of choice on this home screen. It takes the form of a new banner which allows you to listen to tracks and add them directly to a playlist. Above all, it will be very difficult to miss, since it will be placed under the recently listened to list. The company thus gives it pride of place, but there is no question of presenting things anyhow.

Spotify Showcase © © Spotify

© Spotify

Showcase will clearly state that its recommendations are “ sponsored “. Artists will also not be able to suggest just any titles or albums, because these will have to fit into a certain context. For example, they could be promoted at the time of their release, a release anniversary, a tour, but also if they have a certain success. Songs specific to holidays such as Christmas, Halloween or Valentine’s Day will also have their moment to shine.

The inevitability of advertising

Ultimately, this new feature is nothing more and nothing less than well-placed advertising. For Spotify, it is part of a visual overhaul of its applications which could also benefit artists. Indeed, it would be a way to maintain momentum for new releases, because “ on average, 75% of the plays of an album during its first year of existence are generated during the first month », Indicates the firm.

Master of recommendations, Spotify does not want to offer just anything to its users. In addition to using algorithms to select the right audiences, artists will be able to specifically target their most enthusiastic fans, but also more casual listeners. The possible audiences are divided into the following categories:

  • Super listeners, considered the artist’s biggest fans over the last 28 days.
  • Moderate listeners, who have listened to his songs less often, but who have the potential to become super listeners.
  • Light listeners, who have listened to a song once or twice in the last 28 days.
  • Former active listeners, who are no longer engaged with the artist, but could become so again.

© Spotify

So if you listen to Finnish metal, you are unlikely to be offered Korean rap. A good way to pass the pill, because it is not impossible that subscribers do not appreciate an advertisement taking up so much space on their home screen.

Showcase is already available in around thirty countries and should become more widespread as feedback becomes available. This is a strong argument for Spotify, which could become even more essential for artists and majors in the months to come.



Read the review


  • Numerous subscription offers depending on everyone’s needs
  • Saving content personalization
  • An effective interface and ergonomics

The Spotify streaming app is a must-have for listening to free music and podcasts. Also available on Android, it is accessible as a free download on Windows and even accessible via a web reader.

Easy to use, the Spotify application for Windows not only includes a huge catalog supplied by the biggest record labels but also presents varied customization options. Furthermore, its users favor its Premium subscription because it includes very interesting advantages. A sure value to discover without further delay!

The Spotify streaming app is a must-have for listening to free music and podcasts. Also available on Android, it is accessible as a free download on Windows and even accessible via a web reader.

Easy to use, the Spotify application for Windows not only includes a huge catalog supplied by the biggest record labels but also presents varied customization options. Furthermore, its users favor its Premium subscription because it includes very interesting advantages. A sure value to discover without further delay!

Source : The Verge

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