Spotify could soon let you make fun of your friends’ bad taste in music

For all the fun of creating Spotify playlists with your friends, there has always been one missing ingredient: the ability to discuss your tastes with other members.


Spotify plans to add a much-anticipated chat feature to its “Jam” shared playlist mode. Evidence of the existence ofan in-app group chat option for Spotify Jams were recently discovered in the platform’s beta code by investigator @AssembleDebug.

While the chat feature doesn’t appear to be available yet, its existence in beta suggests Spotify is working on implementing it in the near future. For those who don’t know, Spotify’s Jam mode allows multiple users to build playlists together in real time, with each having the ability to add, remove, and rearrange tracks. It is a great way for groups of friends to build the perfect soundtrack for outings, trips and parties.

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The only missing piece is a built-in chat feature to accompany collaborative playlist editing. Currently, if you want to trade to your friend because they added “Careless Whisper” to the pre-match playlist, you need to exit Spotify to send it a message in another application. This is not ideal.

After the next update you will be able to Keep discussions and bad music opinions in the app, alongside your Jam. No need to switch from one application to another, it will be enough to talk about each person’s musical choices as they present themselves directly in Spotify.

Of course, the flip side is that your questionable taste in music will now be subject to harsher scrutiny. But that’s part of the fun of creating playlists with friends. According to reports, the chat feature appears to still be in a very early stage of development based on the beta code. Spotify listeners may therefore have to hold their tongues for several more months, until the update is widely deployed.

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