Square Enix Montreal: acquired by Embracer Group, the Canadian studio changes its name and becomes Onoma

Crazy buyer for several years, Embrace Group hit a big blow this year by recovering Eidos Montreal, Crystal Dynamics and Square Enix Montreal as well as their flagship licenses from the hands of Square-Enix. Problem : Square Enix Montreal logically will no longer be able to keep the name it has used since its creation in 2011.

We now know under which identity it will work in the years to come: no merger in sight, the Canadian studio specializing in mobile games becomes Onoma StudioWhere Onoma short. This name does not a priori have any particular meaning, but its sounds like its rounded black and white logo associated with colored shapes are supposed to recall the human approach of the brand. For marketing enthusiasts, the process behind this new visual identity has been explained on the official website.

Our strength has always been our ability to evolve and adapt. Our rebranding as Studio Onoma is one more transformation that we are happy and happy to undertake.

Our new brand identity will serve as the umbrella for multiple products, programs and initiatives, each with a distinct personality.

We created the Studio Onoma brand to be flexible and allow us to project ourselves into the future, reach multiple audiences and grow with the market.

Our name and visual identity may have changed, but we are still ourselves: a studio that fosters creativity and innovation and always puts people before products. (Only in a new and improved version!)

So don’t be surprised to see the name of Onoma associated with future projects that are Tomb Raider Reloaded and Avatar Generations. For lovers of adventure, Shadow of the Tomb Raider: Definitive Edition is available from €19.99 at Amazon.co.uk.

Read also: Tomb Raider, Deus Ex, Legacy of Kain: Embracer wants sequels, remakes, remasters and spin-offs

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