Square Enix reviews its positions after the poor results of FF7 Rebirth

Following the sharing of its latest financial report, Square Enix seems to want to change strategy in the future publication of its titles. In particular, the very poor results of Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth released last February on PS5 only. But also games like Final Fantasy 16 or Forspoken, both limited to release on the Sony console as well.

Failures that push Square Enix to now want to opt for multiplatform in order to diversify revenue opportunities and above all reach an ever-larger audience. A decision which suggests that in the future many more titles signed by Square Enix could arrive on Xbox or even the Switch 2. Without forgetting of course the PC versions which the company considers as a growth opportunity.

This desire for multiplatform will also extend to mobile games which will be released both on iOS and Android but also potentially on PC. The game Final Fantasy Ever Crisis is already planned for release on Steam for example.

A new position which aligns with the company’s desire to reduce the quantity of its projects to focus more on the quality of its titles. All this in the hope of attracting more and more players. It remains to be seen whether this will make it possible to counter the decline in profits that the company is experiencing in the future.

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