Squarespace is the gold standard for building your website, and there’s a good reason why

How can you create a beautiful, functional website adapted to your needs when you have no knowledge of design or web development? A thorny question to which there is nevertheless an extremely simple answer: Squarespace.

Source: Squarespace

Whether it is to show your creations, your work, create an online store or just share your passion with the whole world, there are a thousand reasons to want to create a website. So why doesn’t everyone have their own site? Because creating a website is a task that is far from simple when you are new to coding and not an experienced graphic designer. An even more complex task if we seek to have a result that is somewhat pleasing to the eye, ergonomic, with specific functionalities.

This is where Squarespace comes in. This website creation service is currently one of the leaders on the market thanks to a simple promise: to allow anyone to design THE site they need, without any special knowledge, and above all, quickly . And the least we can say is that Squarespace delivers on this promise brilliantly thanks to a combination of easy-to-use tools, templates award-winning and compatible services. Enough to obtain a beautiful and functional website in a few minutes, whatever your level of knowledge.

Portfolio, e-commerce, blog or business: there is bound to be a template for you

Before even starting to explore its content, the first thing that strikes you when you arrive on a website is the design. This is undoubtedly why Squarespace has put this element at the heart of its proposition. Choosing Squarespace means accessing a wide range of templates modern, functional and above all, customizable as you wish. The service is also recognized for the quality of its designs, some having won awards for the quality of their design.

Squarespace offers more // Source: Humanoid XP for Frandroid

Beyond pure aesthetics, what makes Squarespace strong is the versatility of the offer. Well aware that the design of a site must meet precise criteria depending on its use, the service offers models adapted to the needs of users through eight main categories: online store, portfolio, memberships, blog, taking appointments, one page, courses and services. THE templates are also classified by subjects (CV, marriage, food, media and podcast, etc.) which allow you to refine the search.

A site creation tool that is as simple to use as it is powerful

If choosing a template constitutes a first step in the design of its site, it ultimately only serves to provide a framework on which to base itself. Before obtaining a functional site that you can put online, you must go through the site editor. A tool that Squarespace has worked extensively on to make it as simple and pleasant to use as possible. No need to start editing code or style sheets: everything is done via an understandable and intuitive interface.

The Squarespace site editor is extremely simple to use with its block system // Source: Humanoid XP for Frandroid

With just a few clicks, you can not only change the fonts or color schemes displayed on your pages, but also the pages themselves. A grid system allows you to move and rearrange the blocks that make up the page, and then edit them to include the desired content. This editor also allows you to add different modules (contact forms, image gallery) and the content (articles, images, videos) that you wish to present. A high degree of customization which allows you to obtain, without any particular knowledge, a unique and, above all, visually impeccable site. And since Squarespace has thought of everything, the sites created are fully optimized for mobile devices.

A diversified ecosystem to accompany and support your activity

At first glance, you might think that Squarespace is a service solely dedicated to website creation. And if this constitutes the heart of his proposal, it is absolutely not the only string to his bow. Squarespace is also a complete ecosystem that supports users in the development of their project, whatever it may be. Modules for making appointments and reservations, an online course creation tool or even an emailing service are on the agenda.

Services which are added to the sites created and accessible depending on the subscription plan selected. Currently, Squarespace offers four:

  • Staff : offered at 11 euros per month, this subscription formula is intended, as its name indicates, for personal use (as opposed to professional or commercial use). In particular, it provides access to site creation tools and templatesto obtain a personalized domain name for free, and gives access to the Squarespace billing tool;
  • Business: available for 17 euros per month, this plan includes all the elements of the Personal plan and adds advanced website analysis tools. Enough to count the audience, but also optimize the pages for better engagement. It also provides access to an e-commerce module allowing the sale of physical products and services, as well as a secure payment tool;
  • Trade (basic): this formula at 24 euros per month adds to the previous formula advanced merchandising tools to manage the products sold more precisely, and implement elaborate sales strategies;
  • Trade (advanced): it is the most complete formula. Billed at 36 euros per month, it takes the Commerce formula (basic) and adds a few additional options to improve the commercial strategy of your store.
Source: Humanoid XP for Frandroid

Want to get started creating a website with Squarespace? Thanks to the exclusive promo code FRANDROID10get a 10% discount on your bill.

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