Squeeze pimples: do it or leave it?

squeeze pimple
Is it dangerous to treat pimples, blackheads and the like yourself?

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Pimples are annoying – and that’s why the temptation to pinch them is so great. However, experts advise against expressing the pimple. Because by squeezing, bacteria on the skin can get into the open wounds even more easily and thus trigger even more inflammation. And: Most of the time, a residue of sebum remains in the sebum hair follicle anyway and the pimple starts to sprout again immediately. In the process, permanent scars can form, which not even a concealer can help with.

Squeeze pimples: do it or leave it?

But admittedly, who likes to go on a date with a white pimple on their face? Or do you have the time to make an appointment at the beauty salon or dermatology for every pimple? While we don’t recommend it, if you’re dying to pop a pimple, there are at least a few things you should be aware of.

Important is: After two or three unsuccessful attempts to fight your pimples, please give up. Otherwise the risk of injury and scarring increases! Anyone who permanently suffers from acne and thus increased pimples should seek advice from a dermatologist anyway.

Squeeze pimples in 7 steps

We show, With which seven steps you can tackle a pimple gently and effectively:

  1. This makes the work easier: Place a washcloth with very warm water on the affected area of ​​skin. This opens the pores and makes it easier to pop the pimple.
  2. Do you want to press directly on the pimple? Please take a good look at him beforehand: he is encapsulated and lies deep under the skin, please do not touch it under any circumstances. This would only inflame him more. A “normal” pimple takes a day or two to surface. Only when the white becomes visible and the pus pimple is so clear can you try to squeeze it out.
  3. A little beauty tool tip for hygienic and gentle squeezing: a so-called comedone squeezer is better than your fingers or even a needle. This means that no nail can injure the skin and no bacteria can get into the wound. The comedone squeezer is a small piece of metal, about 10 centimeters long, with which it is possible to gently squeeze out a blackhead. There is something like an eyelet at each end, and you position the pick right in between. Danger: Be sure to disinfect before use!
  4. Pop a pimple with your bare fingers? Absolute no-go! Firstly, bacteria can get into the wound, and secondly, sharp fingernails quickly injure the surrounding skin. If you don’t have a comedone squeezer, you can try the following way to pop the pimple: wrap your index fingers around your pocket or facial tissues and approach the pimple with it.
  5. It is best to position one finger at the 3 o’clock position and the other at the 9 o’clock position. There’s no use just popping the pimple superficially – you kind of have to under the infection reach. So don’t put your fingers too close to the pimple. If the pimple is really ready to be popped, it will give way with light pressure. If not: stop! Otherwise the inflammation will get worse.
  6. If the pimple pus releases, you then push it out from another position. For example, place one finger at 2 o’clock and the other at 7 o’clock. This way you make sure that no pus stays under the skin.
  7. You were able to pop the pimple? Then it is best to treat the area with an anti-pimple product. The ingredients it contains help to heal pimples and prevent new infections. Since the skin breaks open when you squeeze it, a small crust usually forms first. And even when this is gone, a pimple often remains. When the pimple has completely healed, brightening creams or peelings with fruit acids help to lighten the dark areas.

The skin’s own sebum production: How do pimples actually develop?

In order to protect our skin from external influences, it produces its own layer of fat, the so-called sebum. But if the producing sebum gland on the skin’s surface is clogged, the sebum cannot drain properly – blackheads appear (also known as white or black comedones). If these comedones are open, you can see them as a black dot on the skin.

Basically, the blackhead is something like the preliminary stage of a pimple. If it is not cleaned in good time, bacteria can spread in it and cause inflammation – and the impurity has already turned into a pimple. Incidentally, they are also called “papules” because they resemble small pus-filled pustules. After all, most pimples disappear on their own after a few days.

The right skin care: The best way to prevent pimples!

So that you don’t have to worry about whether you want to pop a pimple or not, it’s best to prevent it from developing. For a beautiful complexion without any pimples, redness, impurities, etc., the right facial care is crucial: If you know your skin type, you can adjust your beauty routine accordingly. The following tips ensure clean and firm facial skin:

  • Cleaning: Even if it can get annoying late in the evening – always remove your make-up and clean your face with products that suit your skin type. Otherwise you risk clogging your skin pores overnight! In addition to a soap-free washing gel can also facial tonic be a good addition to your care products. Then treat your face to a good, nourishing night cream.
  • UV protection: The greatest danger for skin aging is still the sun. Make sure yours Day cream UV protection offers and also use sunscreen, especially in summer.
  • Nutrition: The way we eat has an amazing impact on our skin. An increased consumption of sugar and white flour products, for example, can lead to increased skin blemishes – so rely on a balanced diet with lots of fruit and vegetables, nuts and seeds, fiber, fish, some meat and lean dairy products. Just as important: To keep your skin well hydrated, you should drink at least two liters of water a day.

Do home remedies help with pimples?

Although some swear by the effect of tea tree oil or chamomile against pimples, However, this has not yet been scientifically proven. However, it can’t hurt to at least test home remedies for pimples – we’ll reveal the best ones here.


  • Plewig, G. et al.: Braun-Falco’s dermatology and venereology, Springer Verlag, 7th edition, 2018
  • Prof. Dr. Herrmann, K., Trinkkeller, U.: Dermatology and medical cosmetics, Springer Verlag, 2020
  • Acne – more than a few pimples during pubertyProfessional Association of German Dermatologists, at bvdd.de, as of: 2019

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