Staking rate hits new all-time high

Recent data from CryptoQuant shows that the Ethereum staking rate has climbed to a new all-time high. A quarter of all Ether are now in staking. This development is a clear sign of the strong trust that investors have in the blockchain.

Ethereum staking rate.  Source: CryptoQuant
Ethereum staking rate. Source: CryptoQuant

The continuous improvement and scaling of Ethereum, especially through the integration of DeFi protocols such as EigenLayer, thus strengthening the attractiveness of staking. The high participation of hodlers signals their firm decision to ensure security and thus contribute directly to the success of the network.

Total value of all staked ETH reaches all-time high

Expressed in US dollar terms, the previous chart is an unprecedented testament to the trust and stability that investors currently place in the Ethereum blockchain. The total value of all staked ETH has reached a new all-time high. The mark of around 30 billion US dollars also represents another milestone in the history of Ethereum.

The increase reflects not only the growing interest in staking fueled by the restaking hype, but also confidence in the long-term prospects of the smart contract platform.

What you should know about EigenLayer and restaking. And you can find out what the situation is with ETH in general in the current BTC-ECHO Ethereum Report.

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