Star Academy: A duo penalized by a big sound problem, big fed up before a live apology

Who says Saturday, says new premium of the star Academy. This week, four new students were nominated and therefore had to defend their place so as not to leave the competition at the gates of the semi-final: Stanislas, Anisha, Julien and Tiana. But before the elimination of two of them, an event caught the attention of viewers on Twitter.

Once again, the production of the star Academy has put the small dishes in the big ones in order to impress the viewers and the public present on the set. New artists were invited to put on a show with the students still in competition. Kendji Girac came to perform a medley with Léa, Enola and Chris. Zazie meanwhile took over I am a man with Louis (a duet that didn’t go as planned). Also expected were Tayc, the pop-rock group Feu! Chatterton, Dadju, Patrick Fiori and Amel Bent. Without forgetting the beautiful tribute to Grégory Lemarchal, who tragically died of cystic fibrosis in 2007, at the age of 23. The promising singer had won season 4 of the star Academy in 2004 and this evening was dedicated to him.

M Pokora also made the trip tonight, to the delight of Chris who idolizes him. Good news, the young man had the opportunity to sing Falls by his side. If a large part of the performance went well, it was the sound that fell next.

Indeed, after the worries about the Zazie/Louis duo, a new sound problem arose at the very end of the performance. A detail that has once again not escaped internet users. “It’s a trainee the sound or it’s how”, “Uh, there was a crossover #NOPLP and #StarAcademy because there, I had the lyrics”, “the sound took a little break”, ” change the sound engineer“, we were able to read in particular.

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