Star Citizen: Back to Be@con 2952

The Star Citizen community was able to come together this weekend for this first edition of the Beacons which took place in Liège. A room decorated with care, a stage full of VIPs, stands of enthusiasts, 5-star catering and of course a top-notch atmosphere!

We therefore offer you a short summary of this big event !

A large number of stands were set up in the room with a wide variety of themes ranging from cosplay to Star Citizen demos passing through arcade terminals, pinball machines, board games and introduction to lightsaber.

Among these stands, there were in particular Chris Harrow the specialist in xenolinguistics who proposed to write in Xi’An your nicknames, and also the creator of the game “Squadrons” with his team. The opportunity to discover his strategic card game in the universe of Star Citizen.




A space was reserved for the stands of organizations present. The latter were able to present their activities, discuss with enthusiasts and recruit new members.



Throughout the duration of the event, presentations and interviews followed one another on the stage with guests from all walks of life and various subjects.

Some guests came directly from the CIG offices since Brian Chambers (Vice President of Development of SC), Thorsten Leimann (Gameplay Designer) and Pedro Camacho (Composer of the SC soundtrack) were all three present and each had a moment on stage in interviews.

Jared Huckaby (alias DiscoLando), who could not be present, broadcast a video during the presentations indicating in particular that he would do everything to come to the next edition of the BE@CON if confirmed.

Everyone present at the event took part in this incredible atmosphere which reigned throughout the day and the evening.

The objective is fulfilled for the first edition of BE@CON, this conference was more than welcome following these somewhat empty years in community meetings. The announcement of the next edition has not been made but if so, it could undoubtedly become, in view of the success of this editionan unmissable annual event for Star Citizen players in Europe.

As a bonus, a photo of theMGG team on the spot.


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