Star Wars in slippers: this big villain shot his scenes in slippers!

unforgettable in his role as the villainous Grand Moff Tarkin in the Star Wars saga, Peter Cushing, unable to put on his character’s boots, shot his scenes…in slippers!

Lucasfilm Ltd.

Unforgettable headliner within the Hammer stable and its horror films, Peter Cushing also left an indelible mark in the Star Wars saga in his own way. Fans of course remember Grand Moff Tarkin, his character in A New Hope, who will also be reused many years later since we will also see him in the spin-off Rogue One and Revenge of the Sith, thanks to magic disturbing infographic.

Appointed head of the “Death Star” project by Emperor Palpatine himself, he is ultimately closely watched by Darth Vader as he oversees the Star’s construction; the emperor indeed fearing a plot orchestrated against him by Tarkin. He is also the one who orders fire on the unfortunate planet Alderaan in the film, which is wiped out of the galaxy.

But he orders the destruction of Princess Leia’s home with a certain class if one dares say: Peter Cushing indeed shot his scenes with slippers on his feet, where his little fellow Empire officers wore boots, unfortunately much too narrow for the actor.

He also told this tasty anecdote in an interview unearthed seven years ago by the site Eyes on Cinema.

In fact, the costume department was reportedly not ready for Cushing’s big feet. As there was no longer time to make a suitable pair, he was nevertheless forced to wear them for a handful of scenes.

Too painful for him. Never mind, he then asks George Lucas to film him up to the waist, so that he can wear (and enjoy!) his slippers discreetly.

“They hadn’t had time to get my boots made for me, which is usually the case because of my big feet, so I had to settle for a pair that was out of stock. I was there the first day of filming, [en tant que] this very mean and disagreeable gentleman, Grand Moff Tarkin, stomping on the spot, it was agony!” Cushing recalls in the video.

“So the next day I said to my dear George Lucas, the director, ‘George, I’m not asking for close-ups, but do you think you could film me above the waist from now on?’ There is the pleasure of knowing this pleasant anecdote. And there is the even greater pleasure of hearing Peter Cushing tell it himself.

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