StarCraft: Phil Spencer (Xbox) would like to revive Blizzard’s RTS

The redemption ofActivision-Blizzard by Microsoft is underway, the operation is being studied by several organizations which will have to give their agreement, but internally, ideas are already flowing. Phil Spencer, Branch Manager Xboxrecently spoke out and said he would like dig through the catalog of old titles of Blizzard.

During an interview with WiredPhil Spencer revealed thathe would love to revisit old franchises like Warcraft and especially StarCraft. But fans will have to be patient, these are just ideas for now:

The first thing I would say is that I’m not allowed to make decisions about what happens at Blizzard, Activision or King. So, this is all just a kind of discussion and thoughts about opportunities. Not just StarCraft, but also Warcraft, when you think about the legacy of the RTS games we’re talking about here, especially from Blizzard.

I don’t have any concrete projects today, because I can’t really work with the teams. But StarCraft was something of a game changer, right?

A little return from StarCraft on the front of the stage would indeed not hurtthe second opus has not been updated for more than two years already, while the genre of the RTS was somewhat replaced by the MOBA to the general public. And the fans are also hoping for a title at the StarCraft: Ghost, a canceled stealth shooter in development. You can find StarCraft II: Legacy of the Void at €29.99 on Amazon.

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Writer – Tester

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