Starfield is not ready to die, you haven’t seen anything yet

While waiting for the release of its first DLC, Starfield lifts the veil on a visibly busy roadmap. Bethesda seems to be far from finished with its new game.

In any case, this is what we can take away from a recent interview with Todd Howard, director of Starfield. Despite a complicated launch, Bethesda’s latest title has done rather well and has a future that is as bright as it is promising.

A galactic roadmap for Starfield

In the company of MrMattyPlays, Todd Howard returned for an hour to the various projects underway at Bethesda. Besides Fallout 5 and The Elder Scrolls 6, some attention has obviously been paid to Starfield. Later this year, the title will welcome its first DLC, called Shattered Space. This will offer us the opportunity to visit a brand new region “handmade” by Bethesda and will allow us to learn more about the mysterious House Va’ruun and its veneration of the Great Serpent. In terms of size and lifespan, this expansion would be comparable to Far Harbor for Fallout 4.

But this would only be the visible part of the asteroid for Starfield. Todd Howard indeed indicated in the interview that Bethesda plans to release expansions every year. A pace that promises to be frantic for the teams behind the space RPG. Especially if each DLC is entirely hand-built. And we must also not forget the various patches and content additions to come. Among the most anticipated new features, we have land vehicles and the construction of space stations. The studio will therefore be very busy in this vast galaxy.

News good enough to appease the community?

Like its launch which was not to everyone’s taste, Starfield is currently getting bad press from the community. The fault lies in the establishment of the Creation Club, which we already know from previous Bethesda games. This notably allows access to mods put forward by the studio… subject to payment. This clearly did not please the players, who sanctioned the thing via massive review-bombing. Will the future of the game, particularly thanks to its future DLC and patches, look brighter? First element of response with Shattered Space in the coming months.

Regarding Bethesda’s other games, Todd Howard took the opportunity to confirm that the studio’s next priority is The Elder Scrolls 6. There would also be no question for the moment of remastering old games from this license or from Fallout.

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