Start of the 2021 income tax declaration campaign

French households can start from Thursday April 8 to file their income tax return for 2020, with some novelties resulting from measures taken in the context of the health and economic crisis.

Households that cannot report online, and therefore still complete a paper return, will have until May 20 to return it. For others, the deadline runs from May 26 to June 8, depending on the department of residence.

For the second year, around 12 million tax households whose situation does not require rectification will not need to declare their income, their declaration being generated automatically by the administration. They won’t have to send it back if they don’t have any changes to make.

After an exceptional year 2020, marked by the Covid-19 epidemic, certain measures taken by the government during the management of the health crisis will however have an impact on this 2021 declaration. limit of 550 euros per year when the taxpayer opts for reimbursement on the basis of actual costs.

Exceptional exempt premiums

In addition, the exceptional purchasing power bonus, known as the “Macron bonus”, paid by companies to certain employees in 2020, is exempt from income tax (up to 1,000 euros). The same goes for the Covid premium, paid by certain administrations, in particular public health establishments, as well as by private health establishments or the social sector (up to 1,500 euros).

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Income from overtime and additional hours worked during the period from March 16 to July 10, 2020 are also exempt up to 7,500 euros. These changes are incorporated into the pre-filled return provided to taxpayers. The government has also increased the tax reduction granted in the event of donations to an association to help the most deprived. It increases to 75% of the amount of the donation, with a ceiling of 1,000 euros.

Self-employed workers will no longer need to make a double declaration of their income to the Urssaf and the tax authorities. Only the latter becomes necessary. This simplification will soon be extended, in particular to agricultural workers, according to the government.

Health constraint obliges, the administration wishes to privilege the remote exchanges with the taxpayers who will need help to make their declaration. A single telephone number has been set up (0 809 401 401) and even if the public finance centers will be open, it will be with reinforced health rules and appointment scheduling will be recommended in case of high traffic.

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