Start of the season – artificial track tobogganer Kallan learns from the best

Toboggan talent Noah Kallan wants to build on the previous season. The leveler has the honor of receiving tips from an Olympic champion and a world champion. Due to the many missions, the school is placed at the back.

Last year was already successful for the Salzburg toboggan talent Noah Kallan (RV Hüttau-Eben). He got a taste of the World Cup, won silver at the Junior European Championships and came third in the Junior World Cup. He wants to continue this in the new season, which starts in the US Lake Placid (Olympic ice track from 1980). “I’m very happy with my form, a lot improved at the start,” said the level rider happily. His coach Christian Eigentler knows what sets him apart and where he still needs to improve: “Noah is an athlete who is very willing to learn and doesn’t need any special motivation. He has the greatest need to catch up in the athletic area.” Due to the limitation of four starting places, the chances of competing in the World Cup are also slim this year. But the fact that he can be in a team with world champion Jonas Müller and Olympic champion David Gleirscher helps Kallan immensely: “I am constantly in touch with my colleagues and receive a lot of tips and support. Of course, qualifying is brutally difficult due to the internal competition, but the learning effect is even greater.” Few days of school Speaking of learning: the kid in the team has his high school diploma in May. But until the end of the season, sport takes priority. “In the winter you can count the days I’m at school on one hand,” smiles the 18-year-old, who turns 19 on December 9th. “Saturday is race day, so it’s usually rather hectic. Let’s see, maybe something will work out anyway.”
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