Statistics show salary opportunities: those who work in “shortage occupations” often earn above average

Statistics show salary opportunities
Those who work in “bottleneck jobs” often earn above average

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If you want to earn well, you should consider taking up a career in an industry that suffers from a shortage of skilled workers. According to the Federal Statistical Office, the earning potential for geriatric and nursing staff, for example, is somewhat higher. However, there are also industries with staff shortages for which this does not apply.

Employees in professions where there is a particular shortage of skilled workers often earn better than average. Full-time skilled workers in geriatric care, for example, recently earned an average of 3,920 euros, which is around 200 euros more than the average for recognized training occupations, as the Federal Statistical Office in Wiesbaden announced. “Full-time nursing professionals earned around 350 euros more at 4,067 euros.”

However, not all training occupations in which there is a shortage of skilled workers are paid above average. This particularly includes long-distance drivers with around 630 euros less and skilled workers in agriculture with 1,100 euros less than average. Also specialists in plumbing, heating and air conditioning technology earn according to the statistics office below average at 3412 euros.

In addition to the choice of career, the level of training is an important factor in determining the level of remuneration. Full-time employees without vocational training earned around 650 euros less across all occupations than employees with completed vocational training. “Those who had a master’s degree, technician’s degree or technical school qualification earned an average of 4,980 euros,” the statisticians added.

With the lowest university degree, a bachelor’s degree, the average earnings of 4,791 euros were lower than those of technical school graduates. However, skilled workers with a master’s degree earned significantly better at 6,448 euros. “For employees with a doctorate or habilitation, the average earnings were 8,974 euros,” explained the statistics office.

The Federal Office calculated the numbers based on the earnings survey for 2023. According to the statisticians, these are random surveys in the human resources and salary departments in companies all over Germany. The reference month is April of the previous year. Special payments such as vacation or Christmas bonuses are not included.

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