“Staycation”: Tips on how to enjoy a vacation at home

This way you can really enjoy your vacation from home

© Chanelle Malambo/peopleimages.com / Adobe Stock

A vacation at home can sometimes be more relaxing than a vacation on the road. For example, because we have the safety and security of our own four walls or because we don’t come to or from vacation stressed out about arrival or departure planning. We have more tips for a relaxing time at home.

When most of us think of vacation, we think of distant countries, other cultures, special architecture or local food that is difficult or expensive to find here. This is one way of approaching the topic and it too has its justification. But a vacation at home can be just as nice, because here we know our way around and know what awaits us at the door or in the apartment – and that can also be very relaxing.

Why a staycation can be really good for you

“Staycation” is a combination of words “stay” and “vacation”. It means not going somewhere else for a vacation, but spending it at home. Because we concentrate on ourselves and are less distracted by all the new impressions. This can help us learn more about ourselves and be more relaxed. With the following tips you can come out of your “staycation” feeling refreshed.

Self-care at home

Self-care from home can feel just as good as on vacation. For example, a pleasant bubble bath or scented bath, accompanied by music and fairy lights or candlelight. In this atmosphere we quickly feel comfortable and safe. A Add tea and just relax. Peelings for the body or face are ideal for at home – and you don’t have to go out with a change of clothes etc. to attend an appointment. But if that’s more your thing, there are certainly some options nearby. To go to the sauna, a beauty salon or the thermal spa, we don’t have to leave the country and sometimes not even our place of residence.

Rediscover your home

When we’ve lived in one place for a long time, we sometimes feel like nothing can surprise us anymore. But even a quick look online quickly convinces us of the opposite. There are often several animal or amusement parks in larger cities. Exciting sports activities such as climbing (whether indoors or on the rock) or rowing – we can try all of these out here. And you can sometimes try out a new hobby, such as knitting, from home.

Practically speaking, interesting destinations are often only a short train journey away. It’s worth keeping an eye out! It doesn’t matter whether it’s a local recreation area or nature reserve, a dreamy town in the Harz Mountains, the Alps, the North Sea or wherever you live nearby. Take a look at which towns or attractions might appeal to you without having to drive long or do any elaborate planning.

Delicious food isn’t just available on vacation

You can treat yourself to culinary delights at home as well as away from home. For example, with a delicious homemade cheese plate with a crispy baguette – or a plate with sausage variations. Pair it with a matching red wine and your evening will certainly be enjoyable. But they can also be more complex recipes that you otherwise don’t have much time for. Maybe you fancy dumplings, samosas or Maultaschen and are not averse to trying them yourself? Alternatively, you can of course go out to eat or have something delivered from nearby restaurants or pick it up yourself. Organizing a cocktail party with finger food is not as difficult on vacation as it is after a stressful day at work. So there is a lot of room for creativity.

“Staycation” without your own apartment?

If the roof could quickly fall on your head at home, you can also opt for other relaxed vacation models. For example, you can simply move into a log cabin or a caravan at the campsite in a nearby location. The good thing about it: Your journey remains short and is therefore less stressful. In addition, the organizers on site will certainly have a list of things you can do and can advise you on them. This eliminates the planning stress that often leaves us unrefreshed at the end of a vacation.


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