Steam Deck: Hotkey for screenshots and other functions


The Steam Deck has now appeared and despite the many buttons, triggers and the like, the handheld cannot do without shortcuts. We’ll tell you how to take screenshots.

You should know these shortcuts. (Source: Valve)

  • The Steam Deck has appeared and despite many buttons, there are some shortcuts.
  • Usually you combine the Steam button with others.
  • For screenshots you have to press the Steam button and R1.

The Steam Deck has all sorts of buttons, triggers, joysticks and more and yet that’s not enough to assign all functions to a button.

So it’s not surprising that Valve uses shortcuts. As a rule, the shortcuts consist of the Steam button and one more.


  • Screenshot: Steam + R1
  • Show Keyboard: Steam + X
  • Enter: Steam + D-Pad right
  • Tab: Steam + D-Pad down
  • Escape: Steam + D-Pad left
  • Joystick mouse: Steam + right joystick
  • Right click: Steam + L2
  • Left mouse click: Steam + R2
  • Trackpad as mouse: Steam + right trackpad
  • Left mouse click (trackpad): Steam + right trackpad
  • Increase brightness: Steam + left joystick up
  • Lower brightness: Steam + left joystick down
  • Zoom: Steam + L1

If you still want to buy the Steam Deck, you should know that the handheld is anything but small. We show you a few size comparisons to the Steam Deck.

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