Steam Deck: Valve is stepping up the pace to deliver to you as soon as possible

Valve’s Steam Deck is a rare commodity and only a select few can enjoy it. To satisfy all of its customers, Valve has indicated that it intends to “accelerate the pace” of console shipments without going into details.

Credits: Valve

The Steam Deck is long overdue. Although the portable console is released, few elected officials can enjoy it, the cause of production difficulties affecting the sector. Valve feels the impatience rising among users and promises to speed up the pace of deliveries.

This acceleration concerns those who are supposed to receive the console in the second quarter of 2022, which is now. Beneficiaries will therefore be notified quickly by email and should thus receive their machine very soon. It was in a tweet that Valve promised the thing.

The Steam Deck is slow to hit the market

Moreover, Valve indicates that shipping times will not be extended for those who are expected to receive their machine this quarter or the following quarter. No deadline has been changed and the company intends to fulfill its orders on time. However, this concerns those who have already reserved the Steam Deck, and there are many of them. If you decide to order today, you will have to wait at least six months before receiving your precious sesame. The waiting list is getting longer as the weeks go by, although Valve has promised to improve the situation over time.

The fact is that Valve is in the same situation as many tech companies: it must face the shortage of semiconductors which continues to hit the sector hard. The PS5 and the Xbox Series X, released at the end of 2020, for example, are still not out of the woods. It is still difficult to get one today. Valve only going through its distribution channel complicates things even more.

As a reminder, the Steam Deck is a portable console that takes the format of the Switch. It allows you to play a good number of games on Steam, even the latest productions such as Elden Ring or Control.

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