Steam is getting a huge update with a LOT of new stuff

As very often Steam offers updates but this time it is particularly massive. What change can we expect? We tell you everything.

Valve’s famous platform: Steam, has just been updated with a lot of new features. What are the points to remember? This is pretty massive content that isn’t going to drastically change your habits but with its end-to-end changes it can seriously improve things.

Steam is getting even better

Steam has just benefited from a small facelift and is getting a makeover for the occasion with an overhaul of menus, fonts, header, footers, settings and various options including the screenshot manager . If it’s not visible at first glance you can clearly see the difference by browsing the platform for a few minutes. The update, now available to everyone, also brings simple but important changes, such as the ability to pin notes, videos and web pages to the screen while you play. The store has also received subtle changes to make it easier for you to find your way around.

Good morning ! We are very pleased to announce the release of a new version of the Steam client to the general public. This update includes all new Steam client features that have been successfully tested in its beta.

Among other changes, your Steam notifications have been updated and optimized. The appearance of the green bell has gained relevance. The status bar view is limited to new notifications, and a “View All” page allows you to view their history. It is therefore simpler and more intuitive.

A revised and corrected overlay.

Changes also in play

This was sometimes one of the weak points of Steam: the in-game overlay. This has been completely revised. A whole new interface, as well as new features and customization options have emerged. The new toolbar gives you access to everything you need in-game. Big news also you can now take notes as we told you above! Thanks to this new feature you now have a layout system that allows you to add information about a game. Everything is also synchronized between PCs (and Steam Deck), perfect for remembering information in games. complex. You can get a glimpse of it in the image below:

A particularly clever rating system.

You can also pin overlay windows to make them appear in-game. Their level of transparency can even be adjusted (as above) to optimize multitasking. More than just a visual update, it’s also about new features to change the way you play.

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