Steam risks a record fine, you’re smarter than ChatGPT, here’s the recap

Steam risks a record fine, AIs are not logical unlike you, a famous torrent site mysteriously closes its doors, this is the news recap!

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Some people don’t lack nerve. Like this husband who sues Apple after his wife discovered he was cheating on her thanks to his iPhone. The story does not say whether the betrayed wife left in a car driven by a robot. But enough chatter, here is the news that marked the day of June 14, 2024.

Popular torrent site goes offline without explanation

The open war between rights holders and pirate sites regularly causes victims among the latter. Several torrent sites, some of which are very famous, have already closed their doors, and a new name is added to the list of the missing. TorrentGalaxy is indeed inaccessible for everyone. The explanatory message displayed suggests that it will not return, unless it is a simple maintenance operation that was very poorly announced. The bets are open.

More details: This very popular torrent site is no longer accessible, it leaves a cryptic message

AIs don’t know how to answer this logic question correctly, do you?

It may be said that artificial intelligences far exceed those of humans, at least in certain areas, but they sometimes fail when confronted with simple questions of logic. The problem called “Alice in Wonderland” is easy, but almost all AIs are incapable of solving it. Tests even show that they justify themselves with conviction when they are totally wrong.

More details: If you know how to answer this question, you are smarter than ChatGPT

Steam sold its games too expensive, the platform risks a hefty fine

Generally, PC gamers like Steam, especially for the regular sales that the platform offers. The opportunity to get your hands on this title that you’ve been wanting for some time, but still a bit too expensive. Apparently that’s not enough for the British. A class action accuses Valve, the parent company of Steam, of overcharging for games. The company still faces a fine of almost 1 billion euros.

More details: Steam risks 780 million euros fine for making you pay too much for your games

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