Stéphane Crosnier (Numbers and letters): “We must not mix everything”, how he arrived in the midst of controversy

Former virtuoso candidate of the France 3 program, he has officiated since mid-September at the helm of Figures and Letters, Saturday and Sunday at 5:10 p.m., in the company of Blandine Maire and Laurent Romejko.

Like your predecessor, Bertrand Renard, you took part in Numbers and letters before animating it. Did you imagine, a few months ago, that you would find yourself in this place?

STEPHANE CROSNIER:Absolutely not. The first time I appeared in Numbers and letters, I was barely 18 years old. I then came back there many times and I did a lot of tournaments there. But I did not expect to pass to the other side of the barrier. During the first recordings, I was also surprised to find the adrenaline that was mine when I was a player.

You went through sports journalism then real estate before joining Numbers and letters? Do you feel the need to change universe regularly?

Currently, I am still a real estate agent, it is my first job. Television is a nice parenthesis for me, and I manage very well to carry out these two activities at the same time. That said, it’s true that I don’t like routine too much and I like when a new project takes hold. That’s why when Patrice Laffont contacted me, I didn’t hesitate too much.

After a little over a month on the air, what reactions are you getting from viewers?

It’s still a bit early to tell because we’ve only been here a few weeks. But, for the moment, we are not recognized in the street. And I’m not sure that happens!

The fact that there was a controversy surrounding the departures of Arielle Boulin-Prat and Bertrand Renard did it taint the pleasure you had in arriving on France 3?

No, you don’t have to mix it all up. I have a lot of respect for them but I don’t have to judge the situation. And that didn’t influence my decision either. I understand that this evolution may disturb some people, but this show remains the same, with only a few tweaks.

What relationship do you have with Laurent Romejko?

There is a lot of complicity between the three of us, and particularly between him and me because we have easy jokes and we are sometimes unfiltered. It works or not, but we both find ourselves on this ground!

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