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This Wednesday, August 28, 2024 is an important day for Stéphane Plaza. The most famous real estate agent of the PAF must appear at 1:30 p.m. before the 10th chamber of the Paris Criminal Court for acts of violence against two former partners. An expected trial which Stéphane Plaza will not attendIndeed, the 54-year-old presenter is said to be in poor health.
According to the information on the site Jeanmarcmorandini.comStéphane Plaza will indeed be absent from his trial. His lawyers have sent the court a medical certificate signed by a clinical psychologist who declares the main person concerned victim “severe depressive manifestations“namely “massive anxiety, dark thoughts, sleep disturbance“, all of which occurred after the accusations against him. Given the state of health of Karine Le Marchand’s sidekick,”His presence at the trial does not appear to be a good option due to the risk of psychological decompensation.“, we learn. And that’s not all: Stéphane Plaza is doing so badly that he could well move on to the next stage. Indeed, the psychologist specifies thata hospitalization “in a protected environment would be a favorable and safe option“. The document also states that the star has already contacted the clinics concerned.
Stéphane Plaza’s trial postponed?
If he is not fit to attend the trial today, Stéphane Plaza could perhaps have time to recover before a possible new hearing. Because his lawyers Maîtres Hélène Plumet and Carlo Alberto Brusa have planned to file two priority questions of constitutionality (QPC) as well as exceptions of nullity concerning procedural questions, as Maître Plumet indicated to AFP. If the court retains one or the other of the QPC to transmit it to the Court of Cassation, the trial could be postponed to a later date.We are ready“, assures the lawyer who intends to plead for her client’s acquittal.
Furthermore, a total incapacity for work (ITT) of more than eight days was established for the two complainants. One of these QPCs contests the method of calculating these ITTs. Because this has a major impact. In the event of ITT of more than eight days, the defendant is liable to up to 10 years in prison and a fine of 150,000 euros. The penalty incurred is 5 years in prison and a fine of 75,000 euros for ITT of less than eight days.
Stéphane Plaza in the sights of another woman, he files a complaint
Stéphane Plaza is being prosecuted for “habitual physical and/or psychological violence by a partner“which allegedly occurred between August 2018 and April 2022 on one of his former partners, as well as for”Habitual psychological violence by partner“on another woman between December 2021 and September 2022. Facts that he has always denied, even arguing that these were jilted women who had ganged up on him. Stéphane Plaza was the victim of a “investigation into the charge“from a”coalition between women“, confirmed Maître Plumet to AFP.
In early August, another woman came forward. She believed she had been “manipulated“to testify in favor of Stéphane Plaza. The latter allegedly asked her to write a statement intended for the courts and assuring that she had never been a witness”of any violence, or even vulgarity” from the host. A document that she provided in September 2023 before retracting on August 7 in a letter sent to Stéphane Plaza’s lawyer. For her part, the star denounces “accusations as serious as they are unfounded“ and reveals having filed a complaint against the woman for harassment, theft, death threats, burglary, currency exchange and attempted extortion. A preliminary investigation was opened by the Grasse public prosecutor’s office. The person concerned was questioned in police custody on August 26 and 27 and will be tried in spring 2025.
Stéphane Plaza remains presumed innocent of the facts with which he is charged until the case is definitively closed.
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