Stéphanie de Monaco: her rare confidences on her two daughters: Current Woman The MAG

Stéphanie from Monaco confides little about her private life. The 55-year-old princess made an exception in an interview with Hello Monaco on Tuesday, December 15, 2020. After discussing the coronavirus crisis that is for her "a priority", the singer returned to her first confinement, which she spent with her two daughters, Pauline Ducruet born in 1994 from her love for Daniel Ducruet and Camille Gottlieb, born from her relationship with her former bodyguard Jean Raymond Gottlieb. These few weeks with her two older daughters have really enjoyed her. "During confinement, we could breathe, take our time and enjoy what we were doing", she explained wistfully. Their idyllic daily life brought them together a lot: "We walked the dogs, we used to do puzzles, play sports and cook a lot. I have always cooked myself for my children. "

A proud mother

Stéphanie from Monaco is very proud of her three children and of their professional success. "Pauline presented her collection during Fashion Week. It went very well and she was published in several magazines, including "Elle". This is only his second collection, but she is very determined ", she confided, delighted. More atypical, the course of his youngest daughter Camille, also commands respect. Grace Kelly's last granddaughter at 22 has decided to put his notoriety at the service of a cause close to his heart : "She was never too much of a student and has founded the charity "B Safe" which fights alcoholism among young people", said the princess, very pleased to see her blossom.

Very close also to his son Louis Ducruet who married on July 27, 2019 to Marie Chevallier, Stéphanie of Monaco, who considers himself a real "mother hen" has managed to keep intact the traditions of the most famous family of the Rock. For that, she puts everything on the kitchen. "For me, dining together is fundamental to sharing and telling about our day. My parents made it a tradition and my children still carry it on today."

Read also : Stéphanie of Monaco: this government decision that provokes her anger