Stepmom Gets Baby’s Ears Pierced Without Asking Permission

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A grandmother took the initiative to pierce the ears of her 8-month-old granddaughter. Without telling the parents that she was going to take him to the jeweler.

The agreement with the in-laws can sometimes be complicated, and this can be accentuated with the arrival of a baby. Between the remarks on education, on breastfeeding, the omnipresence of grandparents or on the contrary their absence, it is sometimes difficult to maintain a good relationship with your in-laws. A young mother confided on the Reddit forum about her relationship with her mother-in-law and a recent disagreement…

Visibly still angry, the mother said she entrusted her daughter to her mother-in-law for a day. Upon picking her up, she realized that her 8-month-old daughter had her ears pierced. Visibly very proud of her, the mother-in-law did not see the problem at all. This only increased the anger of the young mother.

In her post on Reddit, the mother says: “I asked my mother-in-law why she did this without my permission. The explanations of the latter were even more annoying for the mother who still does not understand this decision: “She had asked about earrings in the past and I had told her that I wasn’t going to make my baby suffer for anything cosmetic plus I think babies look weird with earrings on. So my mother-in-law told me that I should thank her, because I didn’t see my baby suffer. Apparently my baby’s pain only exists when I’m there to see it.”

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They had already discussed this subject together.

The rest of the story did not allow the mother to lose her temper, quite the contrary: “I was even more furious when I found out that my daughter’s ears had been pierced at a cheap jewelry store from the shopping center. If I were to pierce his ears, I would have taken her somewhere with professional piercers.

When the dad heard about this story, he was not kind to his mother either. He supported his wife’s opinion on this subject by making a logical decision: “He told her he was removing her from the list of people allowed to pick up Annie from daycare because he no longer trusted her.” Feeling guilty about preventing a grandmother from seeing her granddaughter, the couple wonders if they are right to react in this way. The mother asked Internet users if she should forgive her mother-in-law. But in the comments most seem against a reconciliation…

Parenting writer

Zoé is on a work-study program, she joined the aufeminin team in September 2022, she writes for the parenting section. Committed and curious, Zoé likes to write to advance…

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