STI: Ask him this question before sex!

You met a guy you want to go to bed with. Then you should clarify one thing beforehand. Urgent. So really urgent!

Yes, we know that sex is not the best activity to chat with. You shouldn't either. Because it is important that you talk to your bed companion BEFORE. About what? Clearly: sexually transmitted diseases. Do you now hear this turn-off Zonk sound in your mind? Is not necessary at all! Because it would be grossly negligent not to ask the STI question (abbreviated from "sexually transmitted infections", by the way).

Study with alarming results

For the Hamburg "GeSiD" study, scientists questioned almost 5000 people in Germany in different regions and age groups about their sex life. Among other things, the researchers were interested in whether the study participants talked about sexually transmitted diseases before having sex with their partner for the first time. There is a big difference in age. While 40 percent of the 18 to 25 year olds do, it is only 9 percent for the 66 to 75 year olds. Also noticeable: gay, lesbian and bisexual couples talk more often about sexually transmitted diseases than heterosexual ones.

So what – I'll prevent it!

You might be thinking: Talking about sexually transmitted diseases before having sex? It doesn't matter, we use a condom (after all, 75 percent of 18 to 25 year olds said they talk about latex before sex). This is good and can keep the risk of infection to a minimum. However, it is still advisable to talk Tacheles beforehand. Because in an emergency, you automatically handle the condom more carefully and thus prevent it from tearing during the lovemaking.

So: As uncomfortable as this topic may seem – it is simply important to bet on doctor games before having sex and to have a short, targeted anamnesis conversation. Then you can confidently ban chlamydia, HIV and Co. from your thoughts. And honestly: Feels better than any spontaneous quickie, doesn't it?