Stiftung Warentest: This really helps against snoring

Stiftung Warentest has examined six products that are intended to prevent the person concerned from turning on their back or sleeping on their back. Vests, backpacks or shirts are provided with a foam or air cushion in the back area and thus prevent the supine position.

Chest straps, on the other hand, work a little differently. With the help of position detection, the belts give an impulse, for example through vibration, so that the sleeper turns back onto his side or stomach.

The last product from the category is a snore stopper pillow. If the sound sensor detects snoring, the pillow inflates with air and is intended to move the sleeping person to a different position.

The judgment: With limitation suitable
The above products can help prevent snoring. However, only for people who really only snore on their backs.

Stiftung Warentest examined these products in this category:

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