Still looking for your dream job? You’ll soon be able to find him on Twitter

Maxence Glineur

July 21, 2023 at 8:30 a.m.


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© 24K-Production / Shutterstock

The social network will allow companies to post job offers on their profile. Although no one asked for such an option, it probably has more of a place on the platform than it seems.

The Bluebird has undergone a number of transformations over the past few months. If many decisions taken by its owner may seem in bad taste, at the risk of jeopardizing his business, they are the sign of a profound change.

Offers just below the bio

Many may not know this, but many job offers are posted on Twitter. Employers regularly interact with users through tweets and private messages, and the social network is keen to emphasize this practice. According to Nima Owji, application researcher, a new feature is emerging, and it is called “Twitter Hiring”. In the screenshot that was shared, Twitter describes this novelty as a way for companies to attract new talent.

In some regions, recruiters already have access to it, and we can see how it works. For example, it will be possible to add job offers by connecting to an ATS (software that manages the recruitment and hiring process) or via an XML feed. This semi-automatic process will allow up to five ads to be posted simultaneously, displayed just below the recruiter’s bio and linking directly to their website.

Twitter Hiring © © Screenshot by TechCrunch / Twitter

© Screenshot by TechCrunch / Twitter

A feature that could appeal to recruiters

If this novelty is not yet official, there is already a @TwitterHiring account, for the moment inactive. Moreover, Elon Musk had suggested this idea a few weeks ago in a tweet, when he was asked if the platform could set up dating functions. After all, the quest for true love and the search for a job: same fight, right?

If the blue bird seems to conform to an already common practice, the approach is also unsurprising. The social network seems to be gradually breaking away from its roots, no longer content with microblogging. Last May, he bought Laskie, his first acquisition since the arrival of Elon Musk. This start-up specializes in job search and may well have been involved in the development of Twitter Hiring.

Could Twitter therefore step on the toes of LinkedIn or Indeed? The future will tell. In the meantime, the feature is not free for recruiters, who will have to pay the 1,000 euros required for the “Verified Organizations” program, the Twitter Blue for companies. A high price, but in the order of magnitude of what LinkedIn already offers, to name a few. So, while Twitter Hiring obviously isn’t aimed at all sectors, at least for now, the blue bird could well do well, and thus entice users to stick around.



  • Snapshot in information
  • short messages
  • Hashtags, trends, tweet and retweet

Twitter is a social network that allows its users to find the latest international and local information in just a few seconds. It is one of the most popular platforms on the Internet to converse, discover, learn and exchange. In general, when an important event takes place, it is mainly on Twitter that it is discussed first.

Twitter is a social network that allows its users to find the latest international and local information in just a few seconds. It is one of the most popular platforms on the Internet to converse, discover, learn and exchange. In general, when an important event takes place, it is mainly on Twitter that it is discussed first.

Source : TechCrunch

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