“Still struggling”, a relative gives rare news of the actor soon to be judged

While awaiting his trial, what happens to Pierre Palmade? A relative shared news of the comedian involved in a serious traffic accident.

He was one of the pillars of French humor. Pierre Palmade is preparing to be judged today for his involvement in a tragic car accident on February 10, 2023, which seriously injured three people, including a 27-year-old woman who lost the baby she was carrying. After the shock, those close to the actor took a stand, notably Muriel Robin, showing their support for the victims.

His friend was in fact under the influence of narcotics (cocaine) and crashed into a car on Departmental 372 between the towns of Perthes and Villiers-en-Bière, not far from his home. He could have been prosecuted for manslaughter but the courts did not uphold this charge, which outraged those involved in the collision. He is therefore sent back For “unintentional injuries by driver who deliberately violated a particular obligation of care or safety”. During his trial, the actor will risk 14 years of imprisonment and a fine of 200,000 euros.

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Pierre Palmade soon to be judged for his accident

This decision by the experts, followed by the investigating judge, scandalizes the victims and their loved ones, who also regret the attitude of Pierre Palmade. He was reportedly seen in a nightclub, and escaped prison, which some consider a free pass due to his celebrity. Where is he currently?

A relative has just given rare news of the actor, who has not spoken publicly since the accident. This Friday June 7, 2024, the director Jean-Luc Moreau was the guest of At Jordan’s on C8 and said more about the life currently led by Pierre Palmade.

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Rare news from the comedian

Jordan de Luxe collected the secrets of Jean-Luc Moreau on his set. He explained regarding Pierre Palmade: “I think he’s still struggling”. Then he continued: “As he no longer consumes at all, nothing, yes, I think he is struggling at the moment. He got a little bigger”. According to him, this is not surprising: “As soon as people who have consumed a lot stop, they eat a lot, I think. I think that’s what’s happening”.

However, this information should be taken with a grain of salt since the director is not in direct contact with the actor. It is through the words of his colleagues that he learns about his condition. After the decision of May 27, 2024 on the charges, it is the date of Pierre Palmade’s trial which is now expected. A matter which is therefore not over and which may still cause a lot of talk.

Editor for Aufeminin since 2022, Charlotte is passionate about cinema, French and international, and a fortune reader. Curious about everything, she talks as much about personalities as…

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